#60: Connect. Share. Heal.

Tune into Episode 60 of The Bridging Connections Podcast showcasing the deeply healing work of Strength to Strength and its dedication to bring together victims of terrorism and their families.

Strength to Strength has given me a community, support, and courage that life after trauma can be confident and wonderful.
— Shayna Elliott

Strength to Strength

Featuring: Sarri Singer, Founder

The Bridging Connections Podcast deals in a variety of topics. There are light-hearted topics, educational topics and very serious topics. This podcast is the most serious and possibly triggering topic explored so far. This conversation caused both crying and laughter in under an hour. In a perfect world, there would be no sadness or acts of terrorism. Unfortunately, the world and the people in it are not perfect. Gratefully organizations like Strength to Strength exists to heal the deep wounds caused by terrorism. During this podcast Sarri Singer, founder of Strength to Strength, shares her horrific story. Sarri recalls her experience on September 11, 2001 to set the stage for the day she would become a victim of terror. Sarri’s personal story allows for understanding that beauty can arise out of something tragic. The passion Sarri shows in recounting her story and that of other terrorist victims is a reminder that there is light and love after horror.

Strength to Strength’s mission is to support victims of terrorism around the world with long-term psychological needs through peer to peer support, regular meetings, provision of information and advice, and raising awareness of the unmet needs of victims and their families. Strength to Strength enables victims of terrorism to share experiences and empowers them to live life to their best potential. We remain committed to each victim through our global network.

Despite international condemnation of terrorism, victims often struggle to have their voices heard, their needs supported and their rights upheld. Victims often feel forgotten and neglected once the immediate aftermath of a terrorist attack fades, with profound consequences for them.
— https://www.un.org/en/observances/terrorism-victims-day

Follow Strength to Strength on Facebook ,  Instagram, and Twitter.

Definitions and Clarifications

Ain savlanoot - no paatience

Aliyah - literally translated to “going up” or “ascending”, can be either physically or spiritually, to “make aliyah” connotes immigrating to Israel, one has an “aliyah” when called to the honor of reading or blessing the Torah

Kol yisrael arevim zeh bazeh - phrase from Talmud meaning: “All of Israel are responsible for each other”.

Machane Yehuda - famous and largest shuk in Jerusalem

Magen David Adom - literally “Red Shield of David”; Israeli equivalent to the Red Cross

Shuk - outdoor market

Organizations Mentioned in the Episode:


#61: Learning Together


#59: Healing In the Wilderness