#44: A Mosaic of Jewish Recipes

Tune into Episode 44 of The Bridging Connections Podcast showcasing T’laim Patchwork Cookbook an innovative project to showcase the diversity of global Jewish cuisine.

All of us are a patchwork of the various facets of our Jewish identities..the Jewish community itself is not just made up of one fabric but many different types of threads.
— Alana Chandler

T’laim Patchwork Cookbook

Featuring: Alana Chandler

T’laim’s Mission:

A project supported by Be’chol Lashon, is cookbook aims to celebrate the racial and ethnic diversity within the Jewish community. We want to celebrate the myriad unique experiences that each of us has as a product of our identities. We will pair recipes with poems, stories, essays, and photographs from submitters so that it becomes more than just a cookbook but also a mosaic of experiences from a plethora of backgrounds. 

T’laim: The Patchwork Cookbook is currently accepting submissions! Visit their website to learn more and submit your own recipe.

Articles about T’laim Patchwork Cookbook


A new cookbook will connect — and celebrate — Jews of Color in The Forward on Dec. 28, 2021

Jews of Color Get Spotlight in MIT Student’s Cookbook in Jewish Boston on Nov. 10, 2021

A college student collects recipes for a Jews of Color cookbook in EJewish Philanthropy on Oct. 28, 2021

T’laim on  Instagram. Check out Alana’s Instagram.

I tend to enjoy making fusion recipes because combining two parts of my identity is fun for me...seeing myself represented in a dish.
— Alana Chandler

Definitions and Clarifications

babka - a loaf-shaped coffee cake made with sweet yeast dough to which raisins, chocolate, or nuts may be added.

Haggadah - is a Jewish text that sets forth the order of the Passover Seder (Passover order/arrangement - a ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover. Reading the Haggadah at the Seder table is a fulfillment of the mitzvah (commandment) to each Jew to "tell your children" the story from the Book of Exodus about God bringing the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt.

kol ohr- all light / voice of light

neri goma- black sesame paste

racial justice/ equality - the sys­tem­at­ic fair treat­ment of peo­ple of all races that results in equi­table oppor­tu­ni­ties and out­comes for every­one. All peo­ple are able to achieve their full poten­tial in life, regard­less of race, eth­nic­i­ty or the com­mu­ni­ty in which they live.

Sanshoku Bento - Tri-coloured Japanese Rice Bowl - usually called “sanshoku gohan” (tri-coloured rice) or “sanshoku-don” (tri-coloured rice bowl) when served at home. Sanshoku means “three colours”, gohan is cooked rice and don is a short form of donburi which is a large bowl. So, it is a rice dish with toppings of three different colours. (See more here).

Shokupan - Japanese milk bread

tefila - prayer

tlaim - patches

Yuzi glaze - sweet glaze made from the juice from the Yuzi ( a fruit mainly cultivated in Japan, Korea, and China, incredibly fragrant, super sour and tart, mainly used as zest or juice).

Warabimochi - (蕨餅, warabi-mochi) is a wagashi (Japanese confection) made from warabiko (bracken starch) and covered or dipped in kinako (sweet toasted soybean flour). (Wikipedia)

Organizations Mentioned in the Episode

Jewish Chefs Mentioned in this Episode


#45: Ending Stigmas


#43: Reclaiming Feminist Judaism